domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

TiMeLiNe Of 17th cEnTuRy

Impact of these inventions in the people

The microscope is the most important element in any laboratory.
We can, for example, view cells, microorganisms and bacteria, which is impossible to see through the human eye.
And with the help of the microscope we have also discovered the cure for a lot of different diseases.

The steam turbine installations of GNL have dominated gas tankers propulsion and the generation of electric power since the last forty years.

The Europeans adapted the sunshade and turned it into an umbrella, and while there was a time when fashionable ladies wore beautiful umbrellas of silk and lace.The black umbrella was necessarily for a long time and nowadays is being used.

The mechanical calculators dominated the market of desktop computing.
These were created by the disagreement over the importance of the ability to perform calculations by hand or mentally.

The measurement of atmospheric pressure is of great importance to climate level, mainly in the “ENSO” because of the close relationship that exists between atmospheric pressure and the phenomenon of “El Niño”.

The applications of the vacuum in the industry and research laboratories are numerous and varied. Vacuum pumps work only in a limited pressure range; this is the reason that the evacuation of vacuum systems is made in several steps, using a different kind o vacuum for each one.

The decomposition of light has had a lot of importance looking at the color and galaxies. 

The reflecting telescope was invented by Isaac Newton, was an important step on the telescopes of his time, easily correcting the chromatic aberration, one characteristic of the refracting telescopes.

Moist heat causes denaturing and coagulation of protein. These effects are mainly due to two reasons:
* Water is a very reactive chemical species and many biological structures are produced by reactions that remove water.
* Water vapor has a heat transfer coefficient much higher than air.
This instrument allowed the sterilization of the autoclave.


The steam engine was one of the most important inventions that science has given to the people.
About 1750 the steam engine came to transform the fuel into mechanical energy and kinetics.By this was born the modern industry and also the ability to be transported rapidly around the world.